Hello, welcome to shijiazhuang catalpa on mechanical and electrical equipment technology co., LTD.!

        ABOUT US

        • Add:石津路與石兆金街交口
        • Fax:0311-67506708
        • E-mail:zehebao@126.com
        • Mr Bao's phone:18932903517

        YOUR CURRENT LOCATION : HOME > ABOUT US > CultureCulture


        Core concept of enterprise:Integrity, win-win


        Purpose of the enterprise:Customer satisfaction, employee happiness


        Spirit of enterprise: Dedication,elaboration, innovation


        Strategic goal of enterprise: Not follow run, No companion, Only do leader

        電話86-0311-67506708    Mr Bao:18932903517
        公司地址:Add:Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province
        備案號: 冀ICP備15019488號-1
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